Question #1 = why does it seem like I can't do American Government to save my freaking life?
Question #2 = why does it seem like everyone takes me for granted?
Question #3 = why is it that everyone underestimates me? including my closest friends?
Question #4 = why is it that my parents act like they have no confidence in my writing?
Question #5 = is that (question #4) why I let no one read my stories except you?
Unanswered questions. I have no explantations.
I have theories, but no explantations.
Answer #1 = I just don't understand Amer. Gov. because my teacher doesn't teach the class the way I am used to. High school is just different, I guess.
Answer #2 = I let them.
Answer #3 = I astonish people when they see something that I can do that they never thought I could. I guess it's just because I'm always the "peace-maker" instead of the one that tries to cause trouble.
Answer #4 = For this I have no theory.
Answer #5 = I suppose so... I don't even let my family or friends read anything that I write outside of school... I don't feel comfortable with it. Almost like they won't appreciate it.
I know it sounds like I'm just feeling bad for myself, but I just have a lot going on... If I don't update for a few days, don't be alarmed. School is starting to catch up with me :P