I've recently come across the YouTube community (okay not recently but only recently did I start caring) and I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you :)
1) CharlieIsSoCoolLike
He is just...beyond words. I love him to death. He's British and funny and smart and he's the reason I kind of want to make YouTube videos...I probably won't but it looks like he has fun :)
2) Smosh/IanH
These two boys are incredibly funny :) they are so funny I can't help but laugh when I watch their videos
3) JennaMarbles
This girl is a goddess. I have a level 1 girl crush on her ;) I seriously have watched each of her videos 30 times. My favorite is the Sarah Palin cooking show one ;) it's hilarious. Me and Kaitlyn always die when we watch it :D
4) ConnorFranta
He's gorgeous. He's hilarious. He's real. Need I say more? ;)
5) ShaneDawsontv/ShaneDawsontv2/Shane
I don't watch his videos ALL the time but occasionally I will. Sometimes his jokes are just...disgusting and inappropriate.
6) CollegeHumor
These people are AMAZING. Have you seen them? No? GO. DO. IT.
7) DailyGrace
She has new videos EVERY SINGLE DAY :o and she calls me a gorgeous popsicle :) or is that what she calls everyone? ......
8) JoshSundquist
A M P U T double E!
9) iJustine
She's incredibly obsessed with Apple. I love her.
10) paint
Jon Cozart is amazing. He doesn't upload very many videos but when he does, they are pure bliss. They are absolutely amazing.
Now here are the beauty gurus I keep up with :)
11) StilaBabe09
She's my age and has a similar taste in fashion to me so I can identify with her. She's awesome :)
12) MacBarbie07
Also my age, funny, and her DIY videos are INSANE.
13) MissGlamorazzi
She's a good singer, a good makeup artist, she travels, and her boyfriend is hilarious.
14) JuicyStar07
I don't watch Blair as much anymore because most of her videos are about her new makeup line but her older videos are good :) and her vlog channel (OtherJuicyStar07) is cute :)
There ya have it! :) let me know if you watch the same people as I do cuz that'd be pretty awesome and we could all fangirl over them ;)
Obviously this isn't everyone I watch but these are my favorites :)
Okay well it's 10 o'clock on a Wednesday...wait for the new JennaMarbles video or sleep...hmm...