I’m really truly sorry.
I’ve been meaning to blog for a while now but I haven’t really had the energy or the desire to do so. How about I just update?
I don’t really remember how far along I was last time I updated. I’m at school so I can’t check. It says Jan 19 was the last time I updated. I don’t remember what I was doing that day.
I’ll just start with “Romeo and Juliet.” If I hadn’t said last time, I auditioned and it was swimmingly. So swimmingly, in fact, that I got the title role. I am Juliet Capulet in my school’s production of R&J. The show is in about three weeks (May 2 & 3) and if you’re in my area you should definitely come see it. I’m nervous as HELL. I have probably half of the play memorized by now.
The problems we’ve run into so far:
1. My principal is saying anyone with any grades D or below isn’t allowed to go to rehearsals. So that’s great. But the marking period just started over so everyone has A’s.
2. Not enough boys auditioned for the show. We have alumni coming back to play Paris and Friar Laurence. They haven’t been able to come to rehearsals so I haven’t blocked any of those scenes or even read over them, for that matter.
3. SNOW DAYS. THOSE FREAKING SNOW DAYS MAN. We missed about five or six rehearsals because of the freaking snow days. Fantastic…
Regardless, I’m excited and can’t wait to get my spotlight moment. I’ve been waiting and working so hard for this and I finally earned it. I’ve never been more proud of myself.
Other things that have been going on… I got fired. Yes, that’s right. I didn’t quit my job, I was “let go.” I got a text from my coworker Morgan saying to bring in my uniform or else my boss wouldn’t give me my last check.
I was very angry. So angry, in fact, that I wrote a four page short story based on the experience.
I spent about six months at that place and I hated almost every second of it. :)
But the money was nice. Now I’m broke and I have nothing. I have a $150 car payment every month plus gas money and I have NOTHING! AGH!
Things with Ryan are good. We’ve been dating six months now and I love him very much. We don’t really get to see each other all that often outside of school and for the last two weeks he’s been grounded. Super fun stuff.
He’s going on a Band trip to Disney World tomorrow and he’s leaving for a week. He’ll be in Florida for our six-month-aversary. Sigh.
I haven’t been writing at all. I’m sorry guys. This year was just a bad writing year for me. I like my creative writing class but I’m lacking the motivation I need to create. Help?
I haven’t written anything for The Society in MONTHS. Months, people. It’s aggravating. But I have no inspiration. I know exactly where I want to take it. I have a beginning, a middle, and an end. But I have been struggling to get it together the way I need it to be. I can’t connect everything nicely. I would write each part out and just stick them together, but you guys know I hate writing out of order. It looks like I may have to do that though, otherwise it’ll never be done.
My goal was to finish the entire manuscript before I left for college. That’s still a goal I plan to keep.
Speaking of, I have committed to Towson University. Class of 2018, baby. I’m excited.
I’ve been applying for scholarships everywhere but I haven’t gotten any yet. It’s a bit frustrating but I’m a pretty determined person.
I think that’s about everything, honestly. Nothing has been happening. My entire life has been consisting of rehearsals and homework.
My grades aren’t too bad… They’ve been better but I’m passing everything (thank god).
That’s about it. Maybe when I edit my “Getting Fired” short story I’ll post it. I need to take out some of the curse words…
I plan on creating a new blog strictly for my college experience. I’ll probably make it over the summer so look out for that one!
Again, I’m so sorry for neglecting this for four months.
I’m almost 18.
Gimme a break.