Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thoughts On Sexuality

(I'm just going to warn you now that this is going to be a sort of rant/train of thought post with a lot of tangents. It may not make a whole lot of sense but bear with me. Bear? Bare? Who knows.)

"Transgender residents [of Maryland] will have protection against discrimination on matters relating to housing, employment, credit and use of public accommodations. The law defines gender identity as the gender-related identity, appearance, expression, or behavior of a person, regardless of the person's assigned sex at birth."

This is a quote from that I read this morning. In layman's terms, people can no longer be discriminated against due to the gender with which they identify.

This is a really big step, Maryland. Go you.

I just wanted to point out that this is a massive step in the right direction. Discrimination because of sexuality or identity is, well, for lack of a better term, stupid. You can't tell someone how they should feel just because it's what you feel.

When you tell someone they can't do something just because of who they love or what gender they might pursue, you're telling someone that they can't be THEM. How would you like it if someone came up to you and said "Oh, you're straight? Sorry, you can't get married because I don't like the way you kiss the opposite sex." Like that's equally as outrageous as telling a woman she can't marry another woman, right?

(I really hate when I think of something to say but don't write it down soon enough and it leaves my brain completely. I had a really good point to make and now I can't think of what it was.)

There's a certain stigma that goes along with certain sexualities, like bisexuality and pansexuality. There's this negative connotation that goes with it, like that people who are Bi or Pan are just sluts. I hate that so very much because it's almost forcing people who identify with that sexuality back in the closet.

Speaking as someone who is a massive supporter of the LGBT community, I'd like to define pansexuality in my own words. In my eyes, someone who identifies as Pan is someone who doesn't see a person as a gender. This is a person who sees people as people. And I think that's beautiful. Why can't we all do that? Why can't we just stop seeing people as man or woman and start seeing people as PEOPLE?

There are so many different sexualities that people are so ignorant of. Some of them don't even cover who you love! There's transgender and gender-fluid and androgynous and so many others and I'm so FLIPPING happy that my state has decided to FINALLY pass laws against the discrimination of people who are part of this community.

Just because you may identify with the gender with which you were born doesn't mean everyone does. And the fact that Maryland is finally taking this into account is amazing to me.

Now if only it could be put into motion EVERYWHERE, that'd be fantastic. Oh, and gay marriage. Like, let's jump on that.

I'm so proud to be able to say that my state passed a law that criminalizes discrimination against identity. I never thought I'd see the day, honestly.

I'm sorry if this is a little random but sometimes that's the best way to get my thoughts out there. I hope it is at least coherent. Thank you for taking the time to read what I think.

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