Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Everyone say happy birthday to my sister!!!!! My youngest sister turned 6 today!!! I just got back from a fun-filled day of b-day fun! I woke up at 6 and we (my family and I) gave my sister her presents. Then at 11-ish we left the house to go get Arby's for lunch! Of course, being the delinquents that we are, we got sandwiches at Arby's and then went to McDonald's for fries and sodas :) Then at 12:15 we had hair cut appointments! I got all of my hair cut!!!!!! My hair used to be down past my chest and it is now shoulder-length with choppy layers and side bangs! I love it and I am so happy about it! Then we went to the grocery store to get the cake for Mere's party! It was a Tinker Bell cake! It was so cool; half of it was chocolate cake and the other half was yellow cake! I got a piece right down the middle and the chocolate part fell cleanly apart from the vanilla part! It was so cool! Meredith had a blast and they girls were so funny. It was a dance party so all the girls gathered at the dance studio and got to dance to music for 3 hours. It was exhausting. At one point, Meredith and her friend dragged me out there and forced me to dance :) The lights and music were great and we got pizza! It wasn't terrific but you know its still pizza!!! :D

It was a productive and super fun day and I got a lollipop!

That's pretty much it though... nothing really happened today except for the above... I am so tired! Who knew 9 little six year olds could be so LOUD?!


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