IT SNOWED!!! Yeah, only like 3 inches but who cares! IT SNOWED! We had off yesterday and today we had a 2-hour delay! Oh it was wonderful :) On Wednesday, I slept till 9 (like it was a weekend) and watched TV, wrote a little, and read. Then around 4:30, we went to look for snowboots for me and my littlest sister. Of course, we were out of luck. We went to like 4 places (including the mall!) and couldn't find ANYTHING that I liked or would wear in public. We did find this one pair of boots that were kind of like rainboots because they were all rubbery, but when I tried them on, they were soooo uncomfortable. If you know the boots I'm talking about and you like them, sorry, but they felt really weird on my feet!
This morning I found out we had a delay at 5:30 IN THE MORNING. I was sort of pissed off because it was so early but I was happy because I could sleep an extra 2 hours :) We had all shortened classes (except for 3rd block, when we had lunch) and I loved it. Basically, I had English where we got a poetry assignment (read a poetry book), I had Science where we took a quiz that was so easy I'm 99% sure I got an A, I had Amer Gov where I had the full period but we just went over the study guide for our midterm, and I had Math where we sat and did worksheets while Mrs. Huber talked. It was soooo great! Like seriously, I wish every school day was only 5 hours long!
The only hard part about today; walking to school. There was ice on the road by my house and we were pretty much just ice skating, but harder. Jeff and Quentin were wearing sneakers and I was wearing my BearPaw boots. I was the one who's jeans didn't get wet, but I was the one who was most careful because I am deathly afraid of ice (and heights, and staircases, and falling, and hurting myself). I was atleast 5 steps behind them the entire way to school. Which was find considering all they talked about what COD or Black Ops or whatever the heck that video game is called.
Oops, I just remembered I have a project due tomorrow in German so I gotta go do that! Tootles!
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