Happy Monday, world! Ha, if only! How was your Monday, March 7, 2011? Or as they say in German: Montag, siebte Marz (I don't know how to say numbers in the thousands yet... I'm only in German I).
Sooo I was cleaning my room today after school and after my homework was done and I found out that I have a desk :) Well, I always knew, but now I can see it! And I found my Amazon Kindle charger, && I found all of my silly bandz! I don't know how big those were where you guys live, but here in MD, they were HUGE! They left as quickly as they came though :\
So I started a new story. I know that's risky, considering it's so close to my deadline for RR but I couldn't help myself! Basically it's going to be my life's story told as is from me but the character's names will be different. For example, my best friend's name is Carrie. In the story, her name is Hallie. See? I just don't know what MY name should be yet... I'm stuck between:
1 - Julianna
2 - Heather
3 - Veronica
4 - Bailey
Choose for me????? I love all of these names. I swear, when I have kids, it's gonna be a hassle to choose a name because there are so many pretty ones out there! Even boy's names! I love the names Grant, Evan, and Joel. I mean, they're just pretty names!!!
Soo here's something you didn't know about me. I cannot drink water and walk at the same time. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know that until last Friday when I was thirsty while walking home and I started choking on my water... Aren't I a genius???? :)
Well, I gotta jump. My sister has dance and I am going to take this as an opportunity to try and memorize my sonnet for Drama. Buh-bye!