Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shopping = SUCCESS!

So at the mall today I bought 3 things.

1) A sundress (Hawaiian flowers, gray and white, from Old Navy)
2) A shirt (flowery, bright colors, flowy, from Old Navy)
3) The movie Weird Science (from FYE)

I also bought a soft pretzel and a Coke Zero but I ate/drank that :) It was fun :) We saw a lot of people from our school! It was kinda funny. It seemed like half of the freshmen class decided to go to the mall today! :)

When I got home, we went on a hike. Now, I was very upset about this because A) I had just walked around the mall for 2 and a half hours and B) I walk to and from school everyday. Why do I need to walk more??? My parents kept saying "quality family time" and "need the excercise." Bullllll :)

When we got back, I finished revising my english paper for extra credit and completed my math homework. I had most of it done on Friday but I just had a few problems left. I also practiced my pi memorization.

Tomorrow is PI DAY! 3/14 :) So my math teacher told us she'd give us 1 EC point for every 10 digits we could remember.

3.1415926535897932384626433832795048841971693993 :)))

I actually think I already told you guys about that... Oh well :)

We went to Cold Stone after our dinner of grilled chicken, pasta a la Mom, and salad. I got Mint Mint Chocolate Chocolate Chip with my dad (we got an "ours") and mine sort of melted on the car ride home so it's in the freezer right now so I can eat it later :D I loooooove Cold Stone <33333

So today turned out to be not so horrible. This week is bound to be though. It's a B1 week which means I have more B days (science, english, math, amer gov) than A days (health, drama, lcw, german). Which sucks. But B1 days aren't as bad as B2 days... I like having first lunch... It means I can have turkey and cheese instead of PB&J :) I take a brown paper bag for lunch (I know, bad for the environment, but it's convienient!) so I can't have an icey in it :\ So I usually have peanut butter, chips, fruit (like an apple or clementine), and some sort of desert. But tomorrow I can have a good sandwich :D Not that I don't like PB&J but after a week of it, it gets kind of old...

NOW PLAYING ON MY iPOD: "What the Hell" by Avril Lavigne. My new favorite song (tied with "Stuck in the Moment" by Justin Bieber <3)

We're learning about circles in math. I like circles. They're not square.

GEEKY MATH JOKE: The formula for the area of a circle is "pi x r^2" which if you read, is "pi r squared." But "pie are round." Ha Ha Ha! :) My dad told me that joke in 3rd grade when we started learning about area and perimeter.

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Gravity: It's not just a rule. IT'S THE LAW!" - Adam from Mythbusters :D


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