Monday, January 30, 2012


A few healthy obsessions never hurt anyone, right? ;)

Harry Potter is basically my life. I love the books so much. And the movies were FANTASTIC. I went to the midnight showings for Goblet of Fire - Deathly Hallows pt 2. The first 3 I was too young to see the midnight showing. Actually, the first one came out before I had read the books. Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban came out while I was beginning to read the books. I didn't see the midnight showings for those though :P I wish I had!!! I'm going to miss it a lot, but I reread the books all the time and I watch the movies pretty much every other weekend.

Along with that, I have to do a FOT project where we make a movie. Guess what mine's on? :) HARRY POTTER AND IT'S INSANE GOODNESS! It's pretty cool. I just have to put in the music (HP Theme Song!) and it's completed!!! I'M SO EXCITED TO SEE HOW IT TURNS OUT :) I hope Mr. Mathias likes it... I honestly don't care about my "peers' opinions" because I have like 4 friends in that class. I don't really like anyone else and they don't particularly like me either. :(

I love Malfoy. And Snape. And Bellatrix. And Fudge. And the kind of fudge that isn't Cornelius. ;) Basically I love everyone except the main characters. Hermione is a know-it-all (but growing up I ALWAYS looked up to her <3), Ron was an idiot and extremely tempermental, and Harry was a jerk! He thought everything was about him! He was always like "Voldemort killed my parents." News flash Harry; Voldemort killed LOTS of people :P But I love them all so much. Especially Lupin. And Hagrid. And Sirius... and Molly&Arthur Weasley are the CUTEST COUPLE EVER!!!!! <3

There once was a boy named Harry, destined to be a star. His parents were killed by Voldemort, who gave him a lightening scar... YO HARRY, YOU'RE A WIZARD! :) Jon Cozart: Harry Potter in 99 seconds. LOOK IT UP IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD IT :O


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