Saturday, March 23, 2013

Yesterday in Science

Some things I just have no tolerance for. Discrimination is one of them.
Keep in mind that I don't know the ENTIRE story, this is just what I saw.
I will be changing names so as to protect the dignity of the people in this tale. Even if I do hate the bitch.

Mr. K

We were doing partner work in Environmental. Joe came over to sit with me to be my partner. Joe has a disability that makes it hard for him to control his anger sometimes. But he's really nice and cool and a good friend of mine. He took a stool over to sit next to me (I sit at one of the tall lab tables and instead of regular chairs we have stools). He accidnetally bumped into Barbie. It was innocent and harmless. He said "sorry" and she said "watch where you're going."

That at first made me very very mad. The way she said it... Like Joe was the scum of the earth or something. It disgusted me. I do not like Barbie at all.

Anyway, we were harmlessly doing our work. Now, Joe is very tall and lanky and, not in a mean way, a little awkward just because he's very very tall. So his knees kept hitting the top of the table and he kept bumping into Barbie by mistake. Finally after about 10 minutes, Barbie screamed at him. She kept saying that he needs to get out of the way and go away. Joe said "It's both of our faults so just stop talking and do your work." He was getting mad, I could tell.

Mr. K said "Barbie, go sit on the other side of the room. Joe, can I speak to you in the hallway please?" And took Joe out in the hallway for a few minutes and, I'm assuming, lectured him. You should've seen Mr. K's face.

Here's what made me FURIOUS. Mr. K said NOTHING TO BARBIE. I WANTED TO START SCREAMING I WAS SO MAD. She got off the hook when it was her f**king fault that Joe yelled in the first place. Why isn't she getting talked to out in the hallway?!

I can't even talk about it anymore because every time I try and talk about I start fuming and I don't want to get all pissed off again.

Seriously, I cannot stand Barbie. I can't even be in the same room with her without wanting to rip her hair out.

She's just an awful person.

I'm not even going to put a heart at the end of this post because I'm so mad again.

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