(Noun) - something silly, stupid, or ditsy that Megan says, does, or thinks about.
Developed circa 2012 by her parents and friends.
Yes this is a thing that my loved ones tease me about.
Sometimes I just say the damnedest things and I can't help but laugh at myself or cringe at how awful it was. Here's a few examples:
1) My friend Dillon was practicing for this useless trivia tournament and asked me, while I wasn't even paying attention, what the capital of Spain was. I said Brazil.
2) I'm terrified of starfish and I, for whatever reason, feel the need to tell people (when it comes up in conversation). I begin to cry when they make fun of me. I bring this upon myself.
3) One time, Carrie drew on my arm with a Sharpie marker. Two days later, I was surprised it hadn't come off. I exclaimed "Wow! Sharpies must be REALLY permanent!"
4) One time I unintentionally told my entire lunch table that I hate wearing a bra and i want to wear a sports bra forever. I honestly just don't think before I speak.
5) Sometimes it takes me a few minutes (or longer) to really get something. This happens in all forms. Somebody will make a joke on Thursday and I won't totally get it until the following Tuesday. I have my "blonde" moments (not to be derogatory towards a hair color, just saying).
There's more but I feel like if I shared many more, you'd all lose your respect for me as a writer. Like I have real "face palm" moments sometimes. Sigh.
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