1. When I have a new loaf of bread, I cannot take the first two slices to make a sandwich. I have to skip down to the third and fourth slices for my PB&J.
2. My room isn't messy. I just throw my clothes wherever and it appears messy. It's an optical illusion, really.
3. Breakfast is my favorite meal. I love breakfast foods. Like French Toast is my favorite thing in the world. And cinnamon rolls. And scrambled eggs. And like everything.
4. I also really love desserts and I love baking them. Cookies, cake, muffins, cupcakes, I've made it all. And eaten it all.
5. I never let my cell phone get below about 60%. If it gets to be 59% I get paranoid and have to plug it in. If I'm out and it gets to 49%, all hell will break loose and I fear for the life of my iPhone.
6. Along those same lines, I never let my phone out of my sight or hand or pocket for anything. There's nothing private or anything on my phone but I get all paranoid when someone says "can I look up something on your phone?" It's my baby... and I'm a bit obsessed with it. It's a problem. Please send help.
7. I absolutely have to sleep with a blanket over top of me. It's July right now and about 75 degrees in my room but every night I've been underneath blankets. I can't have myself uncovered. It's like a protection thing. I don't even know.
8. In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a bit antisocial. I like sitting in my room on the computer and texting and writing and reading and listening to music and watching stuff on Netflix. Sue me.
9. Every night I say "I'm going to get to bed at a reasonable hour and then wake up early tomorrow." But every single night I'm up until after midnight (on Netflix, obviously) and I don't want to wake up until it's night time again. It's an unfortunate cycle. Especially during the school year...
10. Performing is one of the only things I'm truly passionate about. When I'm on stage, even if I'm not in front of an audience, I feel more at home than I do in my actual home. And I love that feeling. I am one of the few that actually enjoy tech week (or "Hell Week") because I get to spend more time on stage or back stage and being a part of the show. I absolutely love it. I audition for everything at school and I'm thinking about auditioning for a show outside of my school in the fall that Steven told me to do. I miss being on stage.
Originally, the title of this was "20 Things You Did Not Know About Megan" but I couldn't think of 20 things. I could barely think of 9.
I had another "meganism" tonight. My dad was talking about growing back a goatee and it hit me that goatee sounds like "goat" and I realized that they look like the beards that goats have. I looked at my dad and said "OH MY GOD. IS THAT WHY THEY'RE CALLED GOATEES?!" like a moron. I'm a special kind of smart...
Today was a hard day... I don't want to talk about it but my point of saying it was to say that all I wanted to do was write. I didn't. I feel like a failure. All I did was read and watch How I Met Your Mother on Netflix. Ugh. I hate being blocked.
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