Friday, June 28, 2013

Continuous Frustration


I'm finally done :)

Yesterday I got sent home early because of dehydration and a migraine. They came to my station with a golf cart and said "come on, we're going to give you a ride" and they brought me up to admin where Ms. Liz was on the phone with my mom. My friend Luke was a lovely human and brought me a freeze pop and sat with me in admin until my mom came. Then he walked me to my car to make sure I was okay.

All in all, camp was fun but kind of miserable.

Earlier in the day yesterday, Ryan, Luke, and I had lunch together down by the fishing pond because my group got to go fishing at lunch. My kids went down and fished and the three of us lay down underneath the tree down there and talked for like a half hour. It was so nice. We laughed a lot and we talked about stuff and it was just so much fun. I'm going to miss them so much. So so much

Other than that, nothing is happening in my life.

I have two of my drive times this weekend. I'm nervous. I'm the worst driver ever...

I am going to a graduation party tomorrow as well. I'm excited to see all of my theatre friends again :) I'm really thrilled.

Sunday is my friend Madison's birthday and I think I'm going to a movie with her and a few other people for that. I want to see my Hilbi!! (German nickname... long story)

I've made zero progress on my most recent short story. Or should I say, my failed attempt at a short story. Hunter suggested that I put it aside for a while and come back to it, so I haven't worked on it in about a week. I just reread it and I'm still stuck.

I've been very frustrated today. I don't know what's going on with me. I've just felt very very angry. Driving home from camp, I was frustrated with how slow the car was moving (even though we were going the speed limit).

Then I came home and looked for jobs. I have so far finished my application for Michael's (a craft store) and it literally took me two hours. I had to call Travis and yell at him to get all of my frustration out. I feel so bad for screaming at him. I was just crying and I needed to yell at someone. The application process was so tedious and it kept asking for my previous work experience (of which I have none) and my previous addresses and my maiden name and crap and I was just so furious.

Then I was an idiot and played "Unfair Mario" and "Cat Mario" which were games I saw Shane Dawson playing on his channel that looked entertaining. I played with Melanie and I just wanted to kill myself I was so angry with myself. I kept dying and it was so stupid and GAH I'm getting mad just thinking about it. If you like living and not ripping your hair out, DON'T PLAY THOSE GAMES.

Now I just want to watch Doctor Who and talk to Hunter and go to bed. I want to sleep in but NO MY DRIVE TIME IS AT 10 AM.


Friday, June 21, 2013

My Summer Goals

1) STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. Seriously. It's not attractive and you can't paint them and just stop.
2) GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. Go do stuff!! You have friends so go out and do things.
3) GO SWIMMING. You've got a pool so use it! No one cares what you look like, just go swim!
4) INVITE PEOPLE OVER. Use your free time to your advantage!
5) GET A JOB. You need a car.
6) GET YOUR LICENSE. Get over yourself and suck it up. Driving may not be your thing, but it's necessary.
7) APPLY FOR COLLEGES. That SAT score was fabulous. Use it to your advantage. Please.
8) FINISH YOUR SOCIOLOGY WORK. Seriously get it out of the way now. Please.
9) READ. READ. READ! You didn't do much reading that wasn't required this year. Expand your horizons.

This is a little bit of motivation for myself and a way to (hopefully) entertain you with how boring my life is.

Number 2 is my main goal. Every summer I end up just sitting around, doing nothing, waiting for school to start up again. This is the summer before my senior year. I should enjoy it! So far this summer has been pretty fantastic and I'd like it to stay that way. I've been going out and going places and seeing friends and going on dates and it's been a lot of fun. Tonight I'm going to Aberdeen with Kaitlyn to see an outdoor movie thing. I have to remind myself to say yes to more things.

Typically I'm the kind of person who gets invited out but is too scared to say yes. I have to put myself out there if I'm going to have fun. So I'm saying yes.


Thank you for listening to my spiel.


Man of Steel part 2

I found a video that explains exactly how I feel about Man of Steel, in case my reselling wasn't clear enough

The review starts at 2 minutes 50 seconds of you wish to skip ahead


Thursday, June 20, 2013

Les Mis

On the bandwagon of cuteness, Hunter came over today to hang out and watch Les Miserables because I'd never seen the musical before.

If you don't know the story, here's the gist of it.

There's a man, Jean Valijean (but for our purposes, I'm going to be referring to him as Wolverine because the actor was Hugh Jackman), who stole bread for his starving family and got five years of slavery for his crime. He tried to escape, so he got another 17 years. Basically, he's a slave for a while. Then he escapes and makes a new name for himself and becomes a very respectable man.

There's a woman that works for him, Fantine (Anne Hathaway), who has a daughter that is living with some innkeepers. Fantine is a bit of a troublemaker sometimes and manages to get herself fired from the job that was paying for her daughter to survive. Fantine goes to try and find a new way to make money and ends up selling her hair, her teeth, and her body (i.e, she's a prostitute).

Then Wolverine finds her because she was about to get in a lot of trouble and saves her. He takes her to the hospital and promises to find Cozette (Fantine's daughter) and then SPOILER ALERT Fantine dies.

Cozette is living with some innkeepers (one of which is Helena Bohnam Carter), and their daughter, Eponine, who really don't like her very much. They send her out to the well to get water and Cozette meets Wolverine who basically says "Don't be afraid, and I'm going to adopt you."

So Wolverine takes Cozette away and raises her as his own daughter.

It fast forwards to 10 or so years later when Cozette and Eponine are all grown up. Eponine has a friend, Marius, whom she is in love with. Unfortunately, she's been FRIENDZONED. Marius sees Cozette across a courtyard one day and immediately falls in love with her and begs Eponine to help him find her.

I'll be perfectly honest, I have no freaking clue what goes on after that. It was so confusing and I stopped paying attention because Hunter and I were talking.

All I know is that the ending was the most depressing thing in the universe. I won't spoil it for you if you haven't seen it, but you will cry. Trust me. I wasn't even really paying attention and I was tearing up. I'm sure if I'd allowed myself to get more attatched to the characters, I would have been a mess.

It was a loooooong movie. It was about 2 hours and 40 minutes. It was shorter than I thought, but still insanely long. It was okay though because I had fun :)

I have camp next week. I'm not looking forward to it... I'm going to have to wake up before 7 and spend all day being a counselor to a bunch of four and five year olds. And it'll be hot. Yay...

I get volunteer hours. That's what's important. Then next Saturday and Sunday I have my first two drive times. I'm not looking forward to it. At all. Kill me.

<3 p="">

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Man of Steel

Hunter and I went out last night to go and see "Man of Steel" which, in case you've been living under a rock, is the new Superman movie.

He picked me up and met my mom and sisters. Of course Melanie and Meredith were weird and awkward to try and embarrass me.. Don't tell them, but it worked. I was so nervous!!

Anyway, we got to the theatre and got tickets and stuff and we ended up sitting in three different spots before Hunter and I were both satisfied.

We talked for a little while before the movie started and into the previews a bit. We bickered about Batman vs Superman. Hunter LOVES Batman and I, on the other hand, think he's just a rich guy who protects people. No different than a wealthy police officer in tights. Superman has legitimate powers!! But then of course he brought up the point of Iron Man and I couldn't disagree. My only argument against that was that Iron Man has Robert Downey Jr.

The movie itself was too action-y. No one seems to understand what I mean by this so let me try and explain.

An action movie, in my opinion, should have other aspects of other genres mixed in to keep the plot interesting. Take The Avengers, Iron Man, and X-Men: First Class. Those are all action movies. BUT they're funny and have romance and other things going on! Man of Steel, I felt, was a bit boring with all of this stuff happening and nothing else going on. There was very little romance between Clark and Lois, the movie kept going back and forth between flashbacks, and it was impossible to tell where the climax was. Something huge would happen and you'd think "Oh that's the climax, it must be almost over." But then thirty seconds later, another huge thing would happen and you'd think the same thing. It was endless.

Regardless, I had a good time :) The movie was okay. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it. Hunter was a perfect gentleman and we just had a really good time.

Here's a fun fact: When we held hands, we were kind of having a thumb war and I kept losing because I have little baby hands. Then when I got mad, he'd just say something really sweet and force me to smile.

I've been smiling for no reason while writing this out.
<3 p="">

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I Feel Like I Should Have More For You

Mooooooooooooorning ;) -George Weasley, everyone.

So I apologize. I've been busy. Here's my "OMG SCHOOL IS OUT" week.

Tuesday was the last day and it was a pretty easy day. I got to sleep in because school had a 3 hour delay (yes, you should be jealous) and I had only two classes, so I had two finals. Environmental and German. I kind of didn't care about the Enviro final because I was already getting an A for the year so my final didn't matter at all.

After school, I came home and blew up facebook with your typical "Oh yeah, school's out!!!" status updates. Then I started talking to this very very nice boy. He's a complete nerd, like me, and we've been talking a lot this week and it's made me really really happy :) He likes Doctor Who and Harry Potter and LOTR and me ;)

He even asked me to go see a movie with him! Unfortunately, that didn't end up happening because it was getting late and there weren't any movies out that at least one of us hadn't already seen so we decided to do it another time.

Wednesday I didn't know what exactly to do with myself because I didn't have to go to school and I was going to Charlotte's that night for a party. So I basically had the entire day to do something productive and I spent it watching Doctor Who and sleeping.

Charlotte's party was fun. I talked to my friend Renee for most of it :) MAYPRIL'S 5EVER <3 p="">
Thursday was pretty amazing. I spent the entire morning and first half of the afternoon panicking because it was storming and I was afraid my plans would get cancelled. Let me explain.

Jean invited me and Hunter (the very very nice boy!!!) and her boyfriend, Vince, to come over and watch movies and hang out. Vince and I made it to Jean's house okay but Hunter lives a little further away and almost couldn't make it because of the storm.

Now that you're caught up, I can continue. Anyway, I also found out something that made me want to just stay in bed and cry for hours but I couldn't because I had to go to Jean's and meet Hunter.

Once there, we waited for Hunter's arrival. I thought he was nice through texting and Facebook, but he was even nicer in person. When we ended up watching the movie, I sat really close to him and we held hands and he put his arm around me and... yeahhh... and it was just a really nice time. He's so sweet and considerate and respectful. He pulled me in closer and my head was on his chest and I honest to god could have fallen asleep because I was so content in the moment.

He hugged me goodbye too :) He's about 5 foot 11 and I'm only 5 foot 4 so I had to stand on my toes to hug him :) I kind of love when I have to do that with guys. I don't have a single clue why.

Friday I slept a lot again because I was tired from the social interaction the two nights before. Friday night, however, was cool because my sister's had the first night of their dance showcase!! Last night was the Recreational Dance, this afternoon was Early Childhood Dance, and tonight is the Prepatory Dance and I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED. I absolutely love watching Melanie dance. She looks so enthusiastic and she's so damn good at it!! I love watching all of them. The prep show is going to be reallllllllllllly long though... There's going to be two intermissions!!! That's insane. Melanie is doing eight dances and I seriously can't wait. I've only seen two or three of them because of competitions, but all the same, I'm pumped.

So that's basically it. I honestly thought I would have some sort of writing done by now but I feel bad that I don't :( Sorry!!! I promise I will soon. I just have to get motivated to open up those old stories... sigh.

<3 p="">

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New Blog!!

Go check out
right now. Go on. Just do it.

It's my friend Charvi's blog :) she lives in India and writes really really good poetry so please check her out :)

I love you!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Summer! Here's Some Tornado Watches and Rain!

Tomorrow is my last day of school and I honestly couldn't be happier. I'm ready for summer! :) All I want is to sleep in and read and write all day, every day.

Except that I have camp...
And I have to get a job...
And I have to babysit...
And I have summer work...


But you know what? I'm going to do it anyway! I can write as much as I want. I do my best writing at night anyway, so I'll just stay up late and write.

My goal for this summer is to write enough short stories and poems to make a sort of anthology of my work. Considering my novel (remember Royal Runaway? Yeah, me either) will never be finished, I'm focusing on the short stuff right now. I have, however, set myself a goal to finish RR before I go off to college. That way I can edit it and maybe get it published before I'm an actual adult. Haha.

We got the literary magazine today. I have 2 entries in there!!!!! "The House With The Red Roof" is in there and a poem I wrote called "The Silent Spider" which I'm pretty sure is on here somewhere... I'll look and if it's not, I'll post it. It wasn't very good if you ask me. But all of the work was submitted anonymously, so my friends that were on the staff picked it because they liked the poem, not me. Which made me feel good :)

I marked off the pages with my works and I'm going to put it on the table before I go to drivers ed (make up class tonight... Hooray (sarcasm)) and when I get home, maybe my dad will have read them. I hope so.

I just got a phone call saying that we had a tornado watch effective until 10 PM tonight. My drivers ed class is held in this little shack next to a high school. I'm terrified that I'm going to get picked up and sucked into a twister like in Wizard of Oz.

Speaking of which, I'm taking Drama II next year with Mrs. Price!!!! I'm so excited. I love Mrs. Price so much and I've never had her as a teacher before but Mrs. Bullis told me Mrs. Price is teaching Drama II & III next year so I was like "SIGN ME UP!!"

I'm pretty much set with next year. I know the classes I'm taking, just not the order.

College Sociology
AP Statistics
British Literature
Drama II
Creative Writing III
Journalism II
German IV
Master Tutor for German

:) I'm excited. I'm not taking anything too challenging, and I know all of my teachers really well except for AP Stat... I don't know who teaches that!!

I got to destroy library books today. It was painful. During my Women in Perspective class, Mrs. Grauel volunteered Maggie and myself to help out Mrs. King in the library and we had to take books out of circulation and take off the stickers that had the schools name on them. We had to cut into some of them and cross out names in permanent marker. It was so painful to hurt theses books... One of them was Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!!!! Oh my gosh it was hard...

<3 p="">

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Letter I'd Never Write

Lately I've been thinking a lot about you. I don't know why, but randomly your face will pop into my mind and I start crying because I miss the times we had. I wish things had ended differently.

You turned me bitter about relationships. You showed me the hard side of it that I didn't know existed. It hurt me and I spent a lot of time thinking about the not so nice things.

I depended on your happiness. My joy derived from your joy and it was exhausting. When you were hurting, I was the one that burst into tears and tried to help you be happy again. But you didn't do the same. I felt so much compassion and sympathy for you and sometimes it felt like you didn't care as much as I did.

When it was over, I had nothing to depend my happiness on, so the happiness went away. I was depressed and torured myself by reading old messages and looking at pictures until I cried. I was punishing myself for being so stupid.

When you told me you wanted me back, it killed me the most. I didn't need that stress and I wanted to be happy on my own. It took everything I had not to take you back, though.

So I continued to look at the messages and the pictures. I hurt some more until i realized that it was you in the wrong here, not me. The scars disappeared and so did you.

But still, when I see you, my heart flutters. I still get that excited feeling. I don't know why, but I do. Then when you don't even look my way, I snap back into reality and I remember that our time together was in the past.

I miss the feeling of being close to you. I miss confiding in you and telling you about my life and what was on my mind 24/7. I miss what we had before any of this even happened. I miss being able to text you when something was on my mind and you were always there to comfort me and keep me company while I tried to calm down.

I miss loving you. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I think we hurt each other.

I just really hope you're happy. Things are getting better for me, and I hope they are for you, too.

Love, Meg

I've been feeling weird and sentimental and nostalgic and thinking about a lot of things lately so I figured I'd write this letter to someone. At least it's something.

I've had a lot of stuff going on with school and my thyroid and stuff.

On the bright side, there's only 2 days of my junior year left :)

<3 p="">

Saturday, June 1, 2013

30 More Things That Make Me Happy

I've been feeling a lot better lately and the next 30 things filled up pretty quick :) Let's see...

31) Inside jokes
32) The Avengers
33) John Hughes movies
34) Slumber parties
35) Family get-togethers
36) A good rom-com
37) Jenna Marbles
38) Journalism
39) Superhero movies
40) Summer time
41) Jon Cozart
42) No school
43) Comfy chairs
44) F O O D!
45) Cursing when I write (it makes me feel like a grown up)
46) Staying up late talking to that one special person
47) Tall guys
48) Going out for dinner
49) Happy British music (i.e. Alex Day)
50) Seventeen magazine
51) Popcorn with lots of butter and salt
52) Feeling confident
53) Algebraic equations
54) Dreams
55) Traveling
56) HARRY POTTER (how did I miss that?!)
57) Classic books
58) Beating my high score in Temple Run
59) Talking to Charvi <3
60) A Capella

I think my whole depression/funk was just a stage in my life because everything feels normal again. I feel pretty happy :))

I took the SATs this morning. It was awful. Ugh.
