Saturday, June 1, 2013

30 More Things That Make Me Happy

I've been feeling a lot better lately and the next 30 things filled up pretty quick :) Let's see...

31) Inside jokes
32) The Avengers
33) John Hughes movies
34) Slumber parties
35) Family get-togethers
36) A good rom-com
37) Jenna Marbles
38) Journalism
39) Superhero movies
40) Summer time
41) Jon Cozart
42) No school
43) Comfy chairs
44) F O O D!
45) Cursing when I write (it makes me feel like a grown up)
46) Staying up late talking to that one special person
47) Tall guys
48) Going out for dinner
49) Happy British music (i.e. Alex Day)
50) Seventeen magazine
51) Popcorn with lots of butter and salt
52) Feeling confident
53) Algebraic equations
54) Dreams
55) Traveling
56) HARRY POTTER (how did I miss that?!)
57) Classic books
58) Beating my high score in Temple Run
59) Talking to Charvi <3
60) A Capella

I think my whole depression/funk was just a stage in my life because everything feels normal again. I feel pretty happy :))

I took the SATs this morning. It was awful. Ugh.
