Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Happy Marti Gras or Fat Tuesday or whatever you people call it! All I know about Marti Gras is that its a celebration in New Oreleans (home of ELLEN DEGENERES!) and that you get really drunk. Tomorrow, as I heard, is Ash Wednesday. My German teacher said that that is where you go to church and there's a service about lent and stuff... If you do lent, what are you giving up? I'm Jewish... but if I had to give something up, it would probably be... eating junk food. I could do that for 40 days. In fact... nah I am not doing that. :)

I also got these AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS German donuts today called "fastnachs" and basically it was a big donut hole (like from Dunkin Donuts) but more doughy. It was soooooo good. There was Glazed, Cinnamon, and Powdered Sugar. We had to buy them for $0.75 and I got 3. One for me (glazed), one for Mel (glazed), and one for Mere (powdered sugar). I ate mine at lunch and I swear if I hadn't told my mom that I had gotten them fastnachs, I would've eaten theirs because they were soo delicious! The local bakery (where my school got them) only sells them TODAY. Once a year! So that means I have to wait until NEXT MARCH to have them again!!!! I don't know if I can wait that long! I might have to find the recipe online and make them or something!!! :D

Today was sooooooo slow. I had Science (we took a quiz then drew a timeline), English (we reviewed our notes on mythology), Math (notes........), and American Gov't (we talked about gerrymandering and reapportionment... and we got in trouble). So it was a slow day. Too slow if you ask me.

I have to have 9 lines of a poem memorized by tomorrow. It's called "Love Sonnet 40" by Shakespeare, if you wanna look it up and agree with me on how it makes NO SENSE AT ALL WHATSOEVER. The first 2 lines are:

"Take all my loves, my love, yea, take them all;
What hast thou then more than thou hadst before?"

Okay.. what the heck? That makes no sense! How can you say "then/than" twice in the same sentence with only ONE word in between make sense?!?!?!?

Oh well, I know 3 lines. Now I just have to keep reading it. I recorded myself saying it and I keep playing it over and over again. It seems to be helping :)

WEll, I guess I should do that then... Tschus!


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