Thursday, November 29, 2012



I love you ;)

Oops... your tan line is showing!
Theres just a few trigonometry jokes for ya... I'm procrastinating... sigh...
<3 p="p">

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


I've recently come across the YouTube community (okay not recently but only recently did I start caring) and I thought I'd share a few of my favorites with you :)

1) CharlieIsSoCoolLike
He is just...beyond words. I love him to death. He's British and funny and smart and he's the reason I kind of want to make YouTube videos...I probably won't but it looks like he has fun :)

2) Smosh/IanH
These two boys are incredibly funny :) they are so funny I can't help but laugh when I watch their videos

3) JennaMarbles
This girl is a goddess. I have a level 1 girl crush on her ;) I seriously have watched each of her videos 30 times. My favorite is the Sarah Palin cooking show one ;) it's hilarious. Me and Kaitlyn always die when we watch it :D

4) ConnorFranta
He's gorgeous. He's hilarious. He's real. Need I say more? ;)

5) ShaneDawsontv/ShaneDawsontv2/Shane
I don't watch his videos ALL the time but occasionally I will. Sometimes his jokes are just...disgusting and inappropriate.

6) CollegeHumor
These people are AMAZING. Have you seen them? No? GO. DO. IT.

7) DailyGrace
She has new videos EVERY SINGLE DAY :o and she calls me a gorgeous popsicle :) or is that what she calls everyone? ......

8) JoshSundquist
A M P U T double E!

9) iJustine
She's incredibly obsessed with Apple. I love her.

10) paint
Jon Cozart is amazing. He doesn't upload very many videos but when he does, they are pure bliss. They are absolutely amazing.

Now here are the beauty gurus I keep up with :)

11) StilaBabe09
She's my age and has a similar taste in fashion to me so I can identify with her. She's awesome :)

12) MacBarbie07
Also my age, funny, and her DIY videos are INSANE.

13) MissGlamorazzi
She's a good singer, a good makeup artist, she travels, and her boyfriend is hilarious.

14) JuicyStar07
I don't watch Blair as much anymore because most of her videos are about her new makeup line but her older videos are good :) and her vlog channel (OtherJuicyStar07) is cute :)

There ya have it! :) let me know if you watch the same people as I do cuz that'd be pretty awesome and we could all fangirl over them ;)

Obviously this isn't everyone I watch but these are my favorites :)

Okay well it's 10 o'clock on a Wednesday...wait for the new JennaMarbles video or sleep...hmm...


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Doctor Who

Doctor Who has recently come into my life.
Do you watch charlieissocoollike? If you do, do you watch Doctor Who? I didn't until the other night. For whatever reason, I decided to go on Netflix and watch a few episodes that I'd already seen before.

Suddenly, I was back at the beginning of the David Tennant series. I watched most of those (the interesting ones) and continued on to Matt Smith.

I am almost finished with all of the episodes in this series and I can honestly say that Amy Pond is a giant thorn in my side. She really doesn't listen. Also, I like David Tennant a lot more than Matt Smith. I love them both, but Tennant is amazing :)

I'm kind of addicted... I have a problem!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Why Can't Annie Just Get the Damn Gun?!

Greetings fellow humans :)

I realize it's been a long while since we last spoke, so let me get you updated.

Things are going great with me and Austin :) We recently hit that one-month milestone as in any relationship, and it was a good day for the both of us :D Okay so it was just like any other day but I got to see him. So I was THRILLED :)

Tech week was... awful. Don't get me wrong, it was fun spending all that time with my makeshift family (ha ha) but the rehearsals weren't too great. We had an in-school rehearsal on Thursday and that was a bust.

BUT Friday's show was insanely amazing. Words cannot describe how happy I felt when I knew we'd opened the show on a great note. We nailed it. Opening night was such a huge success. We literally pulled that show out of our asses. Even our PRINCIPAL said that it was one of the best performances we'd ever given. And we were at such a disadvantage, what with Hurricane Sandy stealing away three rehearsals and a pit band problem. But we did it ;) And I have never been prouder of my friends.

Saturday's show was a little less extravagent. Not as many people showed up (which was typical) but it was seriously like EMPTY. It was kind of pathetic. My parents and sisters were in the audience as well as Austin and his dad :) I was so nervous. I wanted to do a good job for them. Austin told me it was great and I did really well :) then he hugged me and kissed me in the middle of a crowd of people (and call me a helpless romantic, but OMG it made me so happy and I felt like the whole rest of the world had melted away...).

There was a sour note though... Saturday is the day that senior speeches are given. I don't know if you guys have that, but the closing night of each show, the seniors give speeches about their time with Stage Wright (drama club). I'll admit, I cried. I had to redo my makeup afterwards. Christa, Aaron, Ben, Dillon, Matt, Katie, Olivia, Kyle, Evan, Jalen, Tori, all of my friends are leaving me... I'm going to miss them so much.

And with that, I bid thee farewell. Auditions for our spring show are on December 11. It's a drama :D

For my Greasers and Socs out there,

<3 p="p">

Thursday, November 15, 2012


If you have a tech crew, av club, or anything like that at your school, I recommend you join. It is one of the best things ever. I love each and every one of them.

There's Tim and Shane and Zach and Katie and Olivia and Kyle and Sean and Carrie and Kaitlyn and Kelly and Kayla and Joey and Andrew and Dillon and Matt and I just love them all!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Best Week Ever

This week was so great :) I don't even know why. It was a 3 day school week and it was so fantastic.

I think it was because I hadn't seen any of my friends in so long that it was just a relief to see everyone :)

Now onto what's interesting.

Austin <3

Today was so great. We hung out together before homeroom (like always) and he kissed me (like always) but THEN I saw him after 2nd period and he kissed me in the MIDDLE OF THE DAY :D it made my entire day better. It made me smile so big I couldn't stop :)

I thought about him all day. I even started writing a poem :)

I've been writing a lot of poems about him lately. I just...I like him so much. I never want to let him go. :)

I love him hugging me and kissing me and I just love HIM.

He makes me smile and laugh :) I've never been so happy before in my life. This has been the best time of my life <3

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hell Week

Yes, my dear friends, it's beginning again. Tech week.

The show I'm participating in is called Annie Get Your Gun and it is quite possibly the worst show I've ever seen in the entire world.

Anyway, yesterday was the first day of hell week. Kind of. Here's my schedule:

Wednesday November 7: rehearsals
Thursday November 8: rehearsals
Friday November 9: rehearsals
Saturday November 10: build day
Sunday November 11: rehearsals
Monday-Wednesday: night rehearsals
Thursday: all day rehearsal
Friday: opening night
Saturday: show and strike


Friday, November 2, 2012

Things Are Going As Planned

The universe is rewarding me :) I don't know what I did, but I appreciate it.

Hurricane Sandy hit this past weekend. No one in my neighborhood was hurt, but the power was out for about 3 days for some people. Charlotte STILL hasn't gotten power back.

We got a 5 day weekend because of Sandy. Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we were off because of her! I spent every possible moment with Austin. He came over on Halloween and we hung out all day and then had pizza for dinner and handed out candy :) he was very amused by how excited I got every time the doorbell rang ;)

I finally beat him at chess ;) on Tuesday I went over to his house (neither of us had power but his house was warmer than mine). We hung out in his basement and played with the dog they were watching. Her name is Paisley and she's a golden retriever puppy! She's vicious.

We played like 4 games of chess. He beat me every time except for game number 4! I won :D

Yesterday though we had school (which was one of the worst days ever) and guess what? TODAY IS THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER 5 DAY WEEKEND FOR ME! On Monday I have to go in at 1 for rehearsals though...we missed a lot of rehearsal time because of Sandy :P

The school board is extending the 1st quarter. Let me be the first to say, thank GOD. I was supposed to have a math test on Wednesday to help my grade out a little bit. Obviously that didn't happen because I didn't have school. But now they are extending the quarter so I can get the last few grades in to help me on my road to the honor roll! :D

Tomorrow and Sunday I get to see Austin :) let me tell you something, guys. I really really like this guy. So much. I can't even describe how he makes me feel. I love spending time with him. Even when we are just sitting there cuddling, I'm having the time of my life. We talk about everything and nothing. We laugh...a lot :) I've never smiled and laughed so much than when I'm with him :D a good portion of the laughing is involuntary though...he thinks it's really cute how ticklish I am ;P

Well I'm off :) I'll keep you guys updated with everything :) sorry its been a while...I've been kind of busy with school and no Internet connection :P
