Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Old Friends

I just spent more time then I'd care to admit making myself very very sad.

I think we've all been through had a best friend and now they aren't your friend anymore? Yeah...

I used to have a friend. We'll call her "Sally."

Sally and I were the very best of friends. We knew each other inside and out. We were like sisters. Her house was my house. I just walked in. I didn't even knock most of the time. We had sleepover pretty much every weekend and we hung out almost every day after school.

She was that friend that I knew I could stand up to her because I thought she'd always be there for me. I guess I was wrong.

I just spent some time looking at her Facebook. She looks like she's having fun without me. It hurts because our friendship ended on such awkward terms. One day, in freshmen year, we just...stopped being friends. She stopped walking to school with me, I stopped going to her locker, we stopped all communication between the pair of us.

She went to homecoming with one of the hottest guys in school. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all jealous. I love Austin :) I'm just saying, 5 years ago, she hated the hottest guy in school.

She's made all new friends. She's having fun.

Sometimes I wonder if she does this. Looks at my profile and sees me and my friends and my boyfriend. I wonder if she thinks I'm having all kinds of fun without her. I wonder if she thinks about me. I wonder...does she wonder?


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Life is like a box of chocolates...

Hey guys.
I haven't written like a real post in a while so here we go :)

Things are going pretty well in my favor :)

I had all A's and B's on my last report card (3.7188 GPA!). I was so proud of myself, I hung it up on my wall :)

Ausin and I are really good too :) We're really really happy. Next Saturday is our 2-month :) Today he's coming over and he's giving me a present. I can't wait to see him :) I'm giving him a little something too... I would say what it was but he might read this post before he comes over ;)

It feels like he and I haven't hung out, alone, just the two of us, in AGES. We see each other pretty often but it's with other people around :/

I'm auditioning for the spring show at my school on WEDNESDAY and I'm sooooo pumped! My monologue is from The Princess Bride and it is quite different. Mrs. Price (the director) knows me pretty well and trust me, this monologue is NOTHING like me xD My dad says if I pull it off, I'm a shoo-in for a part :D It's a really funny scene and it's going to be very difficult for me not to be giggling the whole time :P I've been practicing though!

Life is just going really well for me this year :)

Happy Hanukkah!!! :D

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