Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Bad Habits

1) I bite my nails.
Yes, I know. It's disgusting and unhealthy and stuff but I can't help it. When I was probably 4 or 5 I saw that my dad chewed his nails and from then on, I just thought it was acceptable. Obviously now I know it's not. But I've tried to stop. Really I have. It only lasts for about a week before I bite them again.

2) I toss my phone up in the air and catch it.
My boyfriend got me hooked on this one. He does it all the time and it started as kind of a competition to see who could do it most before dropping their phone. Then I just kept doing it. It's not even just my phone. My EOS lip balm, pencils, mascara tubes, even my hair brush. It's becoming a problem.

3) I tap.
I know, don't kill me. But I tap on the desk at school, I tap my feet on the floor, and when I'm taking a test I bounce my leg up and down and sometimes it hits the desk legs. I just have to keep rhythm with whatever I'm doing. Even typing this. I am keeping a relatively steady best to the music I'm listening to. I'm crazy.

4) I scroll through my pages of apps on my phone.
No damn reason at all other than because I have nothing better to do. When I'm having a conversation with someone, sometimes I just scroll through the void that is my cell phone. I know its rude but I can't look people in the eye when I'm talking to them - or when they're talking to me, for that matter - so I have to occupy my eyes. Please don't throw things at me.

5) I play with my hair.
When it's in a ponytail I pull it over my head so the hair is hanging down in my face. I don't know why, I just do. I'm doing it literally right now. When my hair is down I braid it and twist it and stuff. I have no explanation except that I do it.

Which leads me to
6) I cannot sit still for the life of me.
Name something that involves sitting. I can't do it without moving in some way or another. I'll be sitting on the couch with Austin and my head will be on his shoulder and we'll just be sitting there, right? I am always playing with my hands or bouncing my leg or something because I CAN'T SIT STILL. I'm so physically hyper all the time. No wonder I never sleep.

7) I crack my knuckles.
I know. It's horrible. And I'm a huge hypocrite because I HATE when other people pop their knuckles. Oh my god it just sounds so horrible. Yet I do it all the time. God.

8) I do shit with my water bottle.
You know the plastic water bottles that you get out of vending machines and stuff? Well I like squeezing them and making them crack and stuff. I press in the bubbled up parts and I pull off the wrapper. I can't help it. I really can't and I know it's irritating as hell, but I can't stop.

These are the reasons why I'm a horrible human being.

Goodnight Internet :*


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