Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Deinstag - TULOM

Today is Tuesday... almost as bad as Montag. (BTW: Deinstag = Tuesday and Montag = Monday in German) Today was an "A" Day... which is good. If you count gym in a stuffy gym with giant Q-Tip looking clubs good.

Drama kind of sucked. I was paired with two people who couldn't give a crapweasel about theatre and acting. Well here's a news flash: I DO. I live for that sort of thing... and writing ;) Anyway, our skit was totally pathetic because I was the only one that had done any work. They just expected to be able to copy all of my answers and get credit but I told them "No, I'm sick of doing everyone's work for them. I'm doing my work, but I'm not doing yours. You want a good grade? Do it yourself!" and they did. Thank God!

Here's a little bit more of TULOM:

About mid class period, I felt his eyes on me. I turned my head slightly, making it look natural. He was staring at me with his dark amber eyes. I turned my head back to the front where Mr. Nett was talking about how the class would be disecting frogs next week. I wasn't paying too much attention though.
When the bell rang, I sighed with relief. I didn't see Ian leave, but I was glad he did. The way he watched me, it was weird. One more period... gym. All I had to do was find the gymnasium. It was much easier to find than my biology classroom was to find. The gym was right next to the front doors. I went in and seeked out my gym teacher, Ms. Bell. I found her in the locker room. I was surprised that I found it. “Hi, Ms. Bell?”
“Hi. I'm Veronica Williams and I'm new... I was told that you were going to be my gym teacher...” I said cautiously. I didn't want to be in the wrong place.
She looked at her class list and said “Okay great! Let me give you a locker and a combonation and you can come on down!” She gave me locker 413. It was a top locker, which I was greatful for. I hated getting the bottom lockers at my old school. I tried out the combonation and it popped open. Finally. Something went right today. I follwed Ms. Bell down to the gym with the rest of the class. I was the only one not dressed in a uniform.
I sat on the bleachers while the rest of the class played organized games because it was a rain day.


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