Thursday, May 23, 2013

30 Things That Make Me Happy

I was feeling quite down the other day and I just realized that I have no reason to be upset because there are so many things to be happy about. So over the last four days or so, I've comprised a list of things that make me happy.

Things that make me happy

1) Firefly
2) Being called pretty
3) Listening to music
4) Being on stage
5) Opening night
6) Getting hit with an awesome story idea
7) Flirting
8) The moment just before you kiss someone
9) Sweatpants
10) Chocolate covered pretzels
11) Chocolate chip cookies
12) Gossiping
13) Talking to a cute boy
14) Ice cream cones
15) Getting an answer right when you're called on in class
16) Reading German and understanding it
17) "Good morning" texts
18) Getting mail
19) British Youtubers
20) The Walking Dead
21) Tight hugs
22) German class
23) Foot massages
24) Getting an A on a test
25) Brand new markers
26) Crusin' with the windows rolled down
27) Doodling
28) Getting dressed up
29) Going to Walmart
30) The first warm day of the year

I realize that some of these are really small and some are bigger and some make sense and some are particular to me personally.

Here's an idea for the next time you're sad. Make a list of everything that makes you happy (keep in mind that this isn't even close to being completed and maybe one day I'll do a "30 More Things That Make Me Happy" post) and whenever you're sad again, read the list. It makes me feel better.


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