Friday, June 21, 2013

My Summer Goals

1) STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. Seriously. It's not attractive and you can't paint them and just stop.
2) GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. Go do stuff!! You have friends so go out and do things.
3) GO SWIMMING. You've got a pool so use it! No one cares what you look like, just go swim!
4) INVITE PEOPLE OVER. Use your free time to your advantage!
5) GET A JOB. You need a car.
6) GET YOUR LICENSE. Get over yourself and suck it up. Driving may not be your thing, but it's necessary.
7) APPLY FOR COLLEGES. That SAT score was fabulous. Use it to your advantage. Please.
8) FINISH YOUR SOCIOLOGY WORK. Seriously get it out of the way now. Please.
9) READ. READ. READ! You didn't do much reading that wasn't required this year. Expand your horizons.

This is a little bit of motivation for myself and a way to (hopefully) entertain you with how boring my life is.

Number 2 is my main goal. Every summer I end up just sitting around, doing nothing, waiting for school to start up again. This is the summer before my senior year. I should enjoy it! So far this summer has been pretty fantastic and I'd like it to stay that way. I've been going out and going places and seeing friends and going on dates and it's been a lot of fun. Tonight I'm going to Aberdeen with Kaitlyn to see an outdoor movie thing. I have to remind myself to say yes to more things.

Typically I'm the kind of person who gets invited out but is too scared to say yes. I have to put myself out there if I'm going to have fun. So I'm saying yes.


Thank you for listening to my spiel.


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