Saturday, September 14, 2013

5 Things I Suck At Pertaining To Writing

1) Chapters.
     I suck at chapters. I never want to end a thought on a cliff-hanger-type tangent, so my chapters all run on into one long 100 page or so story. I just like to have all of my thoughts flow evenly and nicely and without stopping. Which probably isn't ideal for most readers.

2) Time.
     I want everything to be written out chronologically and extremely detailed, even though most people hate that. Like I want each moment to be played out so that it's like a movie, but obviously that's not the most quintessential layout for a book.

3) Keeping My Tense.
     I always go back and forth between present tense and past tense and I end up confusing even myself. I can't help it. I can never decide if I want to write in one tense or the other and it all ends up a mess unless I go back and fix it.

4) Remembering Details.
     I can never remember my details. I really should write up character charts and things to remind myself later, but I never do. I can forget something as simple as if the character is left handed or right handed, or to something as important as their last name.

5) Editing.
     I always want to edit before I'm ready. It's a bad idea to go and edit early, before all of the ideas are out there. And it's funny, because I really really hate revising my work. I like it all perfectly but at the same time, in the moment, I want to change it all and start all over.

That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure as soon as I hit "Publish" I'll think of like twenty more things. C'est la Vie.

<3 p="">

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